Konstantin Stanislavski was a Russian theatre practitioner who was recognized globally for his outstanding abilities to character act. The many productions he took part in granted him the reputation as one of the leading theatre directors of his time. He is also recognized for the Stanislavski method named after him which is a form of actor training in which the performer must go through a process of method acting to help create realistic characters. These methods are. . Understanding the characters world: this is used by the actors understanding the world the character comes from as well as where they are and what there relationships are.
.Emotional memory: this is when the Actors will use their own personal experiences to find emotions similar to the character they are portraying.
.Sense memory: Actors will use the 5 senses to produce a more realistic portrayal of a characters experiences.
.Imagination: this method allows the Actor to use their imagination to fill in and discover the subtext of their character.
. The "Magic if": while using this method the Actors will ask themselves "What would I do if I was in this situation" this is will help you to stimulate the characters motivation.
. Breaking down the script: Actors must breakdown the script into individual objectives specific for their character.
. Relaxation: This method is when the Actor focuses on mental and physical relaxation to improve their performance quality.
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