My first half of the year Evaluation

For the first half of the year before our Halloween half term break I had come back from my first year at Crosskeys Campus on the Acting for stage and screen level 2 and moved onto level 3. So far I would say that this year Acting wise has been a huge improvement over last year because I have been given the opportunity to act more than doing computer work which has given me the chance to explore and expand my acting skills. This has led me to choose the monologue called Conrad's monologue for my end of term project. I found this monologue on the website artful scribe while searching for monologues to perform I chose this one because I found it to be quite interesting and told a genuine story through out it. A tragic story about somebody becoming a monster because everyone made him into one which I related to as a gay man as I've been made the villian in a lot of scenarios in my life for something I've had no control over. I also wanted to push my acting range because I usually portray the fool in my performances so to portray a tragic character will be quite the welcomed challenge. I also wish to improve my line learning from my previous year and I have also had the opportunity to audition for a student film led by the media students. This experience gave me a massive boost with my confidence in my acting skills because I not only got casted but also got casted in the roll I wanted to get the role of the priest who was attacked by a demonic force and recounted the events to a film crew. I really enjoyed filming this because it was my first ever meaningful roll in something I am in and this made me want to put more effort into it and I really appreciated the patience and understanding the crew of the film had with me with my lines fully understanding I had just been given the script instead of just constantly repeating learn your lines why don't you learn your lines which just makes me instantly loose all enthusiasm for anything I am working on.


My attendance and punctuality is something I've never really had an issue with because I am a very punctual person and I understand that my attendance is something that is a major contributor to my passing the course or not. I personally feel that I am a good addition to have during an acting set because I am always willing to push myself no matter how tired I am because I want to push myself to train my resilience for on set work and future performances. Professional Conduct is something all actors need because unlike a majority of other working environments Actors actually need to communicate with each other to understand the scenes they are performing. The sessions my class is having with professional Actor Gareth David Lloyd within these lessons we have been tasked to individually make up our own characters for an improvised short film. My character is named Elliott Jones he is a private investigator with a troubled past living in London. 


For the Stanislavski work on my website I found that I didn't have to research as much as the rest of my class probably have to because I have already researched him for my work on the previous year. I did find this to be very useful as it meant I could focus more on finding out more research and methods instead of looking for the same thing. The methods I have found to be the most useful is the subtext method and the given circumstances. I used these two specific techniques because I found them to be the most useful character building wise because they both helped establish character and build a background to help put me in the characters shoes. The part of this year I am really struggling with however is my welsh bacc work because to be perfectly honest I do not get the point of it as it has nothing to do with acting which is what I am at the college to study. I do understand that it is mandatory with our grade but I just cant find the push to be happy about it, I am doing it but I'm just not enjoying it the slightest which really takes me out of it. The one upside to it is that the topic I have chosen to my life on land work about natural disasters which I have always had an interest in so this was something I at least had some interest in to help me find the passion to do this task. Overall minus the welsh bacc work I have personally found this academic year to be a major improvement over last year.