11/9/2024 Log


During today's session Kate took us thought the stages of performing a monologue in which we went through several different techniques to perform a monologue and to make it more engaging than just sitting in a chair reading from a script. We were taught about different techniques to help us accomplish this including subtext’ underlining the distinct theme of the monologue’. A technique such as this can help you understand the story and theme to enhance your performance as an actor. As well as context which helps you understand what is happening the monologue and why it is happening. This can help you connect more with the character and the situation to make your performance more genuine and personal.  Another technique was Pase pause. This is a technique you use to make your monologue more engaging and realistic instead of just reading. You use this by adding pauses within your monologue to give yourself more presence and to give yourself a break without making it noticeable.  Mood and physicality are another way to make your performance better because the mood can affect your performance in a positive and negative way. The positive way it affects you is that it can put you in the character's mindset more while the negative way is you're not taking the work seriously.  I personally found the class very informative about the importance of a monologue during an audition especially because it will really help me in the future with auditions and helps me understand what I did wrong in an audition I once had outside of college. If I had one issue it would only be that I was really looking forward to doing the monologue in front of the class because I really connected with the monologue and wanted to push my acting skills and though I do understand not being picked on the first round because I didn't initially put my hand up but afterwards on every ask I did and on the final round it needed up going to a pupil who arrived to class late and didn't have as much time to annotate the script as the rest of us and I just wish I got the chance to do that monologue because it was the first script I read at my time during the college I generally got attached to because of personal reasons. However, I do understand that we were on a time constraint and that there wouldn't be time for every student anyway. Overall, the lesson was a very constructive and informative lesson that helped teach me a lot about monologues and the audition process.  

16/09/2024 log


In today's session with Kate, we went through the circle of awareness which is a technique a performer uses three different techniques to improve their performance. The three different steps they use are 1. talking to self in which the actor talks to themselves in performance 2. is conversational in which you talk to another person. Lastly, we have 3. which the actor talks to the hole space this technique is also known as talking to the gods.  

In today's lesson Kate took us through this technique for me. It was my second time learning this as I had already learned it last year due to sessions with Danielle. However, re-learning it was a great refresher and reminded me of how it works, which will be incredibly useful for my performances this year. The new classmates learning this was interesting to watch because it showed different viewpoints on how different people used it. We used it in the session by applying it to the monologue work we did and even practiced it separately in our own corners of the room. I used it in my monologue for when my character had to discuss his feelings towards an event, he was recently a part of. The event brought upon a very anxious feeling for him, and I used the circle of awareness to show this, and I was given praise for applying it to my monologue. I was given feedback to not improvise my lines as much as I did and the gesture of my hands but other than that I was given generally positive feedback.  



In today's lesson with Danielle and the level three students we started off playing different games to warm our bodies up and get us in a playful mood. The games we started off playing were games of opposites in which we did the opposite of whatever Danielle instructed us to do, for example if she told us to stop, we go and if she told us to go, we stop. Then we went on to do Clap, Tap, pass in which we as a group had to follow a pattern of tapping our waist then clapping our hands and then finally clicking our fingers. After that activity Danielle instructed us to go into groups of two to then act out a job interview and whoever was A in this group was the interviewee and the other member of the group was the interviewer. For this task I was partnered with Matthew from my year group this was quite easy because we are very close friends, and it made this section very comfortable and easy to perform. When this part was completed, Dan had us partner up with other people by having everyone who was A was to move anti clockwise to the next person along and make an aftermath scene in which you made a scene taken place after A, s interview and there meeting with a friend. My partner for this scene was Mariam from level 3 and, in our scene, we decided that my character got the accountant job he applied for, and this meeting took place in a weather spoon. Afterwards Danielle made us do the moving anti clockwise bit, but three spaces and I ended up partnered with Amy from level 3 and we were tasked to make a scene all about the number 5. After this task was completed, Dan then made us partner up in groups to perform scenarios involving 3 people sitting in a row of chairs and that everyone else not in the chairs gets to give instructions to the performers in the chairs. The next one was called actor switch in which the audience gets to swap with a performer every two minutes. The last task was to perform a scene with a minimum of two people in a scene where the audience gets to change at any random moment to any random scenario.  

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